At Assure IT Services, we all work together to solve one big payroll problem of all companies which is meeting the salary pay-out due date with an accurately processed, audited and error free monthly payroll information.
With the knowledge and experience of more than 20000+ payroll processing hours behind us and our association with all key clients being more than 3+ years old, reflects our commitment to this mission, to our work and to our clients.
Assure IT Services association with all its existing and new clients is based on our following strength’s
- Compliance with the SOC 2 requirements under SSAE 16 (AICPA).
- One to one relationship with all our clients. One payroll process executive completely dedicated and committed to a single client. This keeps the communication flow clear and transparent between both entities as the payroll process executive is in sync with the complexities of the client’s payroll structure and processes.
- Internal audit system designed to validate the processed data at the input and output stage and identify errors if any at
- Employee master & salary structure data level.
- Payroll processed for the month based on gross and net pay-out.
- Compliances processed for the month - Tds, PF, ESIC, P.Tax etc.
- The in-house payroll processing and audit systems are designed in such a manner that irrespective of the employee count we are able to process, audit and deliver an accurate payroll in less time.
Whether you are a Start-up with 5 employees or a mid-size company with less than 500 employees or a large corporate with more than 1000 employees, at Assure IT Services our goal will be to study your payroll process cycle, incorporate it into our system with an audit and validation criteria and process an accurate, internally audited monthly payroll delivered to you on-time to match your monthly pay-out deadline. So sit back and enjoy a hassle free payroll processing cycle….